
Written by
Marq Lewis

Tulsa Oklahoma Mass Graves Secrets

Written by
Marq Lewis

Tulsa Oklahoma Mass Graves Secrets

Tulsan Historian Kavin Ross sits down with Marq Lewis to discuss the latest findings of the Tulsa Mass Graves of 1921.

There's many things that are unknown in Tulsa, Oklahoma that are being bought to light.

Tulsa, Oklahoma was the site of the 1921 Race Massacre, where whites went into a black area of Tulsa "Greenwood" and killed, destroyed, pillaged black residents in that area. Greenwood was the Black Wallstreet in it's time for thriving Blacks. All businesses were destroyed and many were displaced. Reports of up to 300 plus people died in this massacre. Years later, the black residents didn't allow this massacre to stop them, they rebuild.

Families members are in search of their ancestors to give them a proper rest. Mr. Ross takes Marq through his findings as an historian on the search for the mass graves of 1921.